domenica 17 aprile 2016

Vettovaglie, carriaggi e trasporti vari... Victuals , wagons and various transport ...

Un esercito non esisterebbe senza i trasporti che gli assicurano vitto e riparo per la notte. Dunque, anche per i miei eserciti in piombo ho preparato un pò di trasporti.

Il carro trainato dai buoi è della Perry: pur essendo molto bello devo avvisarvi che è piuttosto complicato da assemblare e dipingere. In pratica bisogna dipingere tutti i pezzi prima di montarli, altimenti, dopo,  diventa impossibile.

I muli con i conducenti sono della ditta romana Strategia Nuova.
 In realtà sono venduti come medievali, ma penso che le differenze siano tollerabili.

Gli uomini in marcia sono della Redoubt Enterprise.

An army would not exist without the transport that provide food and shelter for the night. 
Therefore, even for my armies in lead I made some transport.

The ox cart is from the Perry minis: although very nice I must warn you that it is quite complicated to assemble and paint . In practice you have to paint all the pieces before assempling them ; otherwise , later, becomes impossible .

The mules with drivers are the Roman company Strategia Nuova.  Actually they are sold as medieval , but I think the differences are tolerable .

Marching men are from Redoubt Enterprises

6 commenti:

  1. Great stuff, the wagon looks fantastic. I really like the marching men from Redoubt as well, I've never seen them before.

    1. Thank you. In the blister of the Redoubt there is a Landsknecht woman too: I added her to an artilley base. Unfortunately in the Redoubt page there is not any images of them...

    2. BTW, thanks also for your reference of the Maximillians Zeugbuch. I love it; I'm just preparing an artillery piece from it. It's great for the image of the tent too.

    3. No problem Luca, you are right it is a great source of inspiration. I was suprised how many old school bombards are in it - definitely a future project for me as I picked the Perry Bombard up at Salute yesterday.

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  3. Wonderful! And the "rigging" of the ox cart, fantastic idea!
